It is an overwhelming excitement to come to this final point to express my deepest gratitude to my families TILANESH DAMTIE (MOM YOU DESERVE IT), Selamawit Setegn, Mulluken Setegn, Melak Alemu, Mekonnon Damtie (with his beloved children), Alganesh Damtie (with her beloved daughter Nebyat), who still keep up with me as the shepherd. His attitude for the development of computerized design aids for our country is something to emulate for all involved in engineering industry. He was a friend too which I strongly appreciate and emphasize this should be a culture for everyone to get fruitful scholars. Bikila Teklu, for his continuous valuable support, encouragement and interest on my thesis work. My deepest gratitude goes to my advisor, Dr. rayohann Internal Examiner Signature Date Ato Chairman Signature Date 0ģ Acknowledgement It might be honest to state that a thesis work cannot be carried out by oneself without the help of the others. Bikila Teklu (September 2012) Approved by Board of Examiners Dr Bikila Teklu Advisor Signature Date Dr.
#Caltrans pavement design software software
Bikila Teklu (September 2012)Ģ ADDIS ABABA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Software Development for the AASHTO and ERA Flexible Pavement Design Methods Master Degree By Amare Setegn Advisor Dr.

Utilization of this California-customized LCCA software helps Caltrans to achieve substantial economic benefits (agency cost and road user cost savings) for highway projects.1 ADDIS ABABA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Thesis on Software Development for the AASHTO and ERA Flexible Pavement Design Methods Master Degree By Amare Setegn Advisor Dr. The RealCost 2.5CA program has been adopted as an official LCCA tool to comply with regulatory requirements for California state highway projects. The main focus of the California LCCA enhancement is to improve the efficiency of LCCA procedures with automatic data selection and computations. The automated cost calculation modules estimate future M&R costs based on each construction scope and pavement type.

The graphical user interface integrates service life, maintenance frequency, and agency cost of each maintenance activity with given project constraints, such as climate region, final pavement surface, and design life.

Automated functions were developed to select efficient and adequate sequences for future maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) for comparing alternatives. This paper introduces the Caltrans LCCA procedure and describes the functions and improvements of the enhanced California version of RealCost software ( RealCost 2.5CA). The California implementation incorporates major user interface enhancements and customization. In 2007, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) adopted RealCost, the LCCA software, developed by the U.S.

Several approaches and software have been adopted to undertake LCCA by many transportation agencies in the United States over the last decade. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for highway projects is an analytical technique that uses economic principles to evaluate long-term alternative investment options, especially for comparing the values of alternative pavement design structures and construction strategies.